A website for a game

This isn’t the first time that I’ve made a WordPress and put it on a server for the dream of a MUD that I wanted to bring to life. Those other times, I was hungry for something new: I was high on the ideas of something good brought to life, created by myself and my buddy, to deliver. Those promises I made then — they didn’t come to fruition, and the dream didn’t come to pass. Each of those buddies drifted, and I’m lucky to have one drift back.

A few things have changed since then and now. Then, I did have an internet home- a community to belong to even when my aspirations fell through. Having that home made it easier to call it quits when a project fell flat. Producing something is actively difficult, and participating in someone else’s production is passive. These days, I can’t rightly claim any corner of the MUD scene as my spot; and that’s more of an indictment of me than it is anywhere else. I was too mean, too sure of the answers to questions I didn’t have the full scope of. Frustration rolled off to others that, time has revealed, were not quite so deserving as I had thought. But I don’t mean to grow too self-flagellant in this dev blog entry; only I would rather put here that, it’s not my intention to mislead or beguile anyone that comes to be part of this community. This is the 4th attempt at something. Since you are reading this post, attempt #4 is the furthest we’ve gotten so far.

This post is the sacrificial champagne bottle slamming against a ship not-yet-half-built, but she’s going to touch water anyway. Our website. It’s not much now and it may never be a lot; but it’s here. Hello World